Friday Freakout: Messy Malfunction, Parachute Wraps Around Skydiver's Foot!

Andrew Revesz

At first glance, this appears to be a tension knot malfunction, but it was actually caused by one of the lines being wrapped around the bottom of the (Wings) container. It turns into a messy cutaway and reserve deployment, leaving the main parachute wrapped around this skydiver's foot!

NOTE: It was a Contour camera mounted to the side of the helmet, but the mount broke and the camera was just hanging by the tether to the helmet, hence the seizure-inducing footage. Not ideal, but we tried our best to make sense of this video with the freeze frames.

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At first glance, this appears to be a tension knot malfunction, but it was actually caused by one of the lines being wrapped around the bottom of the (Wings) container. It turns into a messy cutaway and reserve deployment, leaving the main parachute wrapped around this skydiver's foot!

NOTE: It was a Contour camera mounted to the side of the helmet, but the mount broke and the camera was just hanging by the tether to the helmet, hence the seizure-inducing footage. Not ideal, but we tried our best to make sense of this video with the freeze frames.

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