The Human Catapult -- Bridge Day 2012

Andrew Revesz

To quote my friend Scott Stevens, "Sometimes you need to come really high to see how small you are." Or maybe that was Felix Baumgartner. Whatever. Here's a closer look at the new toy Jason Bell has developed and debuted at Bridge Day 2012 -- The Human Catapult. It's a simple formula: Bridge + BASE catapult = awesome! Felix should add this to his to-do list once he gets back from space.

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To quote my friend Scott Stevens, "Sometimes you need to come really high to see how small you are." Or maybe that was Felix Baumgartner. Whatever. Here's a closer look at the new toy Jason Bell has developed and debuted at Bridge Day 2012 -- The Human Catapult. It's a simple formula: Bridge + BASE catapult = awesome! Felix should add this to his to-do list once he gets back from space.

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