Extreme Sports Week: Wingsuit Proximity Flying by Jokke Sommer

Andrew Revesz

Jokke Sommer and Tom Erik Heimen scout out a new line in Gudvangen, Norway during Extreme Sports Week 2011 -- an annual festival more commonly known as "Ekstremsportveko" or "Veko" by the locals. This type of BASE jumping really should be called "wingsuit landscaping" instead of wingsuit proximity flying because I'm pretty sure Jokke clipped a tree or two. Click the 'LIKE' button if you think this is badass!

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Jokke Sommer and Tom Erik Heimen scout out a new line in Gudvangen, Norway during Extreme Sports Week 2011 -- an annual festival more commonly known as "Ekstremsportveko" or "Veko" by the locals. This type of BASE jumping really should be called "wingsuit landscaping" instead of wingsuit proximity flying because I'm pretty sure Jokke clipped a tree or two. Click the 'LIKE' button if you think this is badass!

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