Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Feet Skim Over Power Lines - Way Too Close!

Andrew Revesz

That moment when you realize you're not going to make it back to the DZ, so you prepare to land off. That moment when you lose forward drive while crossing over a highway under canopy. That moment when you spot your landing area and notice the power lines running along the road, but don't notice the lines running across the road until it's far too late to do anything. Talk about an electrifying canopy ride! (Does anyone know if these are live wires or just tension wires?)

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That moment when you realize you're not going to make it back to the DZ, so you prepare to land off. That moment when you lose forward drive while crossing over a highway under canopy. That moment when you spot your landing area and notice the power lines running along the road, but don't notice the lines running across the road until it's far too late to do anything. Talk about an electrifying canopy ride! (Does anyone know if these are live wires or just tension wires?)

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