Nothing makes you shit the proverbial bed than when you're an AFF student running out of altitude and you deploy your parachute while spinning on your back / head down. Great job by the student on getting his parachute out despite the situation. As they say: never sacrifice altitude for stability.

This isn't quite the spin cycle of death from an inflatable turtle, but if this was my very first tandem skydive, I'm pretty sure I would: 1) think I'm going to die, 2) puke, and 3) be amazed I'm still alive, but still think I'm gonna die.

Private jets are cool, unless they're flying through the same air space while you're filming a tandem skydive. Not cool.

You know a premature opening is too close for comfort when the canopy hits you in the face while it's opening. This is the type of stuff that can happen when you funnel a 12-way belly jump. Lesson learned... stick to freeflying (kidding, kidding).

If the goal of this AFF jump was to panic and not arch at all, then I consider it a huge success!

ILS co-founder Rick Winkler thought he'd have fun on a routine jump with some inflatable toys. Little did he know the inflatable would wrap around his leg, put him into a spin cycle of death, and burst all the capillaries in both of his eyes. True story. Stick around until the very end for a nice visual of the aftermath...

Heavy winds and rotors don't go well with speedflying. This guy's wing collapses, sending him hurling towards the ground which resulted in two broken ribs, concussion, traumatic brain injury, acute pneumothorax, laceration of the liver, and a pulmonary contusion. Glad he survived this accident, and even better that his head still wasn't attached to the GoPro before it went on spin cycle.

Yeah, so you know that whole concept of separation between groups on exit. Well apparently that didn't quite work on this jump. Not sure how strong the upper winds were or what the previous group was doing on their jump, but this skydiver buzzes another canopy after break off. Yikes. Close call.

Ouch! This looks like it hurt, but could've ended a lot worse. There were a number of contributing factors, namely staying on his brakes to let larger canopies land first and trusting his rears too long when he realized he was too low. Other than that (and the resulting bounce)... nice swoop :p When in doubt, abort!

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