The Best of Skydiving Santa Videos

Andrew Revesz

Here's my list of all-time fave skydiving Santa videos, with a few bonus BASE editions as well. Merry Christmas everyone!

If you have a Santa-worthy video that should be added to the list, post the video link in the comments below.

1. Skydiving Santa's Express Delivery Service™


2. Santa Claus does tunnel flying and it's hilarious! Wait for it...


3. Skydiving Santas jump out of helicopter, land on the beach


4. A 14-way Santa skydive + 1 birthday suit


Bonus: BASE Jumping Santas in Norway


Stocking Stuffer Bonus: Santa can't fit down chimney, jumps off bridge instead

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Here's my list of all-time fave skydiving Santa videos, with a few bonus BASE editions as well. Merry Christmas everyone!

If you have a Santa-worthy video that should be added to the list, post the video link in the comments below.

1. Skydiving Santa's Express Delivery Service™


2. Santa Claus does tunnel flying and it's hilarious! Wait for it...


3. Skydiving Santas jump out of helicopter, land on the beach


4. A 14-way Santa skydive + 1 birthday suit


Bonus: BASE Jumping Santas in Norway


Stocking Stuffer Bonus: Santa can't fit down chimney, jumps off bridge instead

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