The King of Sandal Skydives: A Tribute to Ryan Risberg

Andrew Revesz

Friend, coach, world-class load organizer... our sky will always feel the loss of an all-around amazing person. Ryan was always positive and had a good heart. You could trust him and rely on him. He lived more in half a lifetime than most people could in 10 lifetimes. There will always be a void with his absence, but those of us who were lucky enough to have known him will always remember.

Thanks to Brandon Chouinard for making this video. Brandon had the privilege of having 20 years of friendship with Ryan.

Fly free Risberg. We all love you buddy. ❤

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Friend, coach, world-class load organizer... our sky will always feel the loss of an all-around amazing person. Ryan was always positive and had a good heart. You could trust him and rely on him. He lived more in half a lifetime than most people could in 10 lifetimes. There will always be a void with his absence, but those of us who were lucky enough to have known him will always remember.

Thanks to Brandon Chouinard for making this video. Brandon had the privilege of having 20 years of friendship with Ryan.

Fly free Risberg. We all love you buddy. ❤

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