Friday Freakout: High Speed Skydiving Collision & Premature Opening

Andrew Revesz

A high speed collision on a tracking jump is a scary thing. As a result, one of the skydivers was winded from the impact, panicked, and prematurely deployed their parachute mid-skydive, narrowly missing another skydiver on opening. This incident should serve as a reminder to NEVER bomb a formation or cut people off, and shows why it's so important to come in on level from the side of the formation before taking your slot/dock. Repeat after me: "level, slot, dock... level, slot, dock." Please play safe out there people.

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A high speed collision on a tracking jump is a scary thing. As a result, one of the skydivers was winded from the impact, panicked, and prematurely deployed their parachute mid-skydive, narrowly missing another skydiver on opening. This incident should serve as a reminder to NEVER bomb a formation or cut people off, and shows why it's so important to come in on level from the side of the formation before taking your slot/dock. Repeat after me: "level, slot, dock... level, slot, dock." Please play safe out there people.

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