Whoa, cool! This is the first time in history that a meteorite has been filmed in the air after its light goes out... its certainly much less likely than winning the lottery three times in a row, says geologist Hans Amundsen. When a meteoroid enters the Earths atmosphere, it slows down and ionizes molecules around it; it is this blazing track across the sky that is called a meteor. When the light disappears, the meteorite enters the stage called "dark flight"; it then no longer travels at an angle, but falls straight down. This is the first time in history that a meteorite has been filmed during dark flight... no less while skydiving!
Whoa, cool! This is the first time in history that a meteorite has been filmed in the air after its light goes out... its certainly much less likely than winning the lottery three times in a row, says geologist Hans Amundsen. When a meteoroid enters the Earths atmosphere, it slows down and ionizes molecules around it; it is this blazing track across the sky that is called a meteor. When the light disappears, the meteorite enters the stage called "dark flight"; it then no longer travels at an angle, but falls straight down. This is the first time in history that a meteorite has been filmed during dark flight... no less while skydiving!