Friday Freakout: Skydiver Loses Helmet, Goggles And GoPro In Freefall

Andrew Revesz

While doing a linked exit, a skydiver has a yard sale in the sky — he loses his helmet, GoPro and goggles in freefall, which made for one expensive jump. Another jumper was grabbing the yoke of his rig (at the shoulder), which accidentally released the quick-release buckle on the helmet.

Although it was an expensive lesson for this jumper, it's a good reminder to the rest of us to protect your handles and gear, and be careful where and what you're grabbing on other peoples' gear when doing linked exits.

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While doing a linked exit, a skydiver has a yard sale in the sky — he loses his helmet, GoPro and goggles in freefall, which made for one expensive jump. Another jumper was grabbing the yoke of his rig (at the shoulder), which accidentally released the quick-release buckle on the helmet.

Although it was an expensive lesson for this jumper, it's a good reminder to the rest of us to protect your handles and gear, and be careful where and what you're grabbing on other peoples' gear when doing linked exits.

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